Documentary Theatre
Director Anestis Azas taught the Documentary Theatre seminar. The term refers to the dramatization of historical events. The participants were asked to carry out research in order to collect the historical and informative material, ascertain its reliability, compare its sources and synthesize it into a single project.
September, 2022
The rules of a successful Audition
Casting director Makis Gazis delivered a seminar on the process and rules of a successful audition.
September, 2022
Flowing Through
Director and actress Stefania Goulioti taught the Flowing Through method, which she works on and develops herself. In the course, the following issues were explored: How do we listen instead of pretending to listen? How do our psyche and behavior “move” and “progress” in coexistence with the other? How do the other and its impulse and behavior become the fuel to move forward? How can we be unpredictable without losing control? How do we trust and let the impulse guide us?
October, 2022
Composer Charalambos Gogios and director Alexandros Efkleidis coordinated the seminar of musical theatre Operetta. The aim of the seminar was to remove all the trappings of stereotypical, mechanical or guild approaches from musical theatre and present it to the students as one, among others, of the fields of interpretation and creation that constitute the art of theatre.
June – July, 2022
The Pulsating Actor
Actress Alexandra Kazazou taught a seminar on the marriage between physical precision and the pulsating performer, based on the principles of the Grotowski method and her years of study and practice in the groups Song of the Goat Theatre and Studio Matejka groups at the Grotowski Institute.
July, 2022
Body and Object
The seminar of the choreographer Giota Kallimani went through three different stages. The first was the preparation of the bodies. The second was the transformation of the actor’s body into the body of another person and/or object. Finally, this was followed by research on how the body as an expressive medium gives substance to the object, how it reduces it to an immaterial/poetic entity and converses with it. How does our body become the body of another? How does one become someone else, drawing inspiration from the films, texts, paintings and images of the past?
June, 2022
Theatre and Orality
Director and actor Akyllas Karazisis explored the way in which the written word is transferred to spoken word, and the way in which actors can produce texts through personal narratives. Students were asked to narrate personal stories/experiences of their lives (e.g., how they chose to become actors, their family history, etc.), which during the course they turned into a written text, which they re-worked. They presented the texts orally and then transcribed them as writers.
September, 2022
Poetic Speech and Musicality
During this seminar, Rinio Kiriazi (actress, director) combined the methods of Mirka Gementzaki, Kristin Linklater and Roy Hart. The main axes of the exercises were focused on the breath of music and speech.
June – July, 2022
October, 2022
Tools of the Comedian
Actress and director Sophia Marathaki delivered a seminar entitled Tools of the Comedian. The participants dealt with the questions: What is comic? What is humor? What is self-satirizing? World dramaturgy from antiquity until today has given birth to texts of unsurpassed poetry, beauty and brilliance with a comic focus. The texts of Aristophanes, Shakespeare, Lope de Vega, Molière, Gogol, Chekhov, Ionesco, Goldoni, Kapetanakis, Peresiadis, the scripts of Monty Python, Chaplin, Woody Allen, the Marx brothers, Commedia del Arte or Karagiozis are proof of the timeless dynamics of comedy. But at the opposite end of the spectrum, in tragedy, urban drama or the theatre of the absurd (Euripides, Beckett, Ibsen, Chekhov, etc.), the comic element comes to give prominence to the tragic element through its antithetical function.
June, 2023
Theatre Directing: Connection with the Labor Market
Dramaturg and director Nikoleta Filosoglou delivered a seminar about the connection between the students and the financial terms in the field of Greek state stages (Athens Epidaurus Festival, grants by the Ministry of Education, etc.) and of the private sector of the theatre market. During the meetings, the students worked with budget templates, got introduced to the process of starting their own non-profit theatre company – AMKE, to theatre production grant applications, to the preparation of directing proposals, timelines and to the preparation of private agreements before the beginning of rehearsals.
March, 2023